Griffin Church Loans | Blog Posts Category: Church Financing (Page 4)

Category: Church Financing

Church Saves $2000 a Month with Refinance and Reduced Rate

With interest rates climbing, Griffin Church Loans is being sought out for more and more church loan refinances. Who are Good Candidates for Refinances? We are encouraging every church that holds a current mortgage with an interest rate higher than 5% or has a loan coming due in 3 years or less regardless of the … Read More

Church Loan Refinance Saves $180,000 in Interest

We recently closed a loan for a Baptist church in NJ that sought us out to help them refinance the 6.5% interest rate that they were locked into. The well-established church had been active in their community for more than 60 years and had a long history of generous giving to help the needy. Their … Read More