Mortgage to Buy a Church
Churches purchasing their first home- what a cause for celebration! We see many requests for mortgages to buy a church. Every church is excited to buy their own sanctuary, whether it be their first home or to accommodate growth. We are always honored to play a role in the process.

Mortgage to Buy a Church | Recent Closings
Let us tell you about a few of our recent closings for mortgages to buy a church:
In Chicago, IL, we closed a mortgage to buy a church for a 37-year-old church. Amazingly, they have been renting a worship space for their entire existence. This is their first home as owners. They put a lot of hard work into the dream of ownership, and we could not be happier for them!
Another church in Illinois is rejoicing after closing their mortgage to buy a church with us. This church wanted to stop renting and own their own sanctuary. They had also outgrown their current worship space. They found the perfect sanctuary and found us to seal the deal.
Another first home in Harvey, LA for a Spanish speaking church. They came to us for their mortgage to buy a church. The church had tried to find a mortgage on their own but had difficulties due to language barriers. We have Spanish speaking staff to help when needed. We want our customers to feel comfortable communicating.
Griffin Church Loans helps churches like these on a regular basis. Over the past 20 years, we have closed over $2 Billion in church loans. We offer a variety of church loan programs, so we have options for churches of all sizes. For churches with excellent credit and who meet the qualifications, we can provide 30-year fixed rate loans with no balloons. If 30-year fixed loans are too long for your church, we also offer 10, 15, 20- and 25-year fixed church loans.
If you know of a church interested in learning more about our church loan programs, please call 800-710-6762 to speak to a loan officer. We pay referral fees!